Friday 6 January 2012

Creation Master 12 Beta 2

I have released CM12 Beta 2. It fixes some major bugs related with the start-up of the program.

1)      By mistake, I have left a debug instruction for writing some data in the file "C:\000\temp.txt" this caused a crash.

2)      Many users do not have a proper installation of FIFA 12 in the registry, in order to manage this situation I added the possibility to open by selecting the folder. Use “File \ Open – Select folder” and select the main folder of FIFA 12

In the register you should have the following keys:

and below "Install Dir" (e.g. “G:\Programmi\Origin Games\FIFA 12\”) and "Locale" (e.g. “it_IT”)

3) CM12 was unabble to extract the files for editing competitions form data1.big, this caused a crash.

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